Central Amazon Conservation Complex
The Central Amazon Conservation Complex makes up the better adequate breadth in the Amazon Basin (over 6 million hectares) and is one of the planet's richest regions in agreement of biodiversity.It is locoted in SOUTH AMERICA in BRAZIL.It is include in varzea Ecosystems,igapo forest,lakesand channels.the site also protects key threatened species,like arapaima fish and two species of river Dolphin.
The central Amazon climate is very hot in rainfall seasons are which ranges amid 1,750 and 2,500 millimeters (mm) per year. At Anavilhanas Ecological Station on the Rio Negro, southeast of Jau, an boilerplate anniversary condensate of 2,075 mm is recorded. Temperatures can alter added diurnally than seasonally. The anniversary boilerplate temperature is 26ºC, alignment amid an boilerplate best of 30ºC and 33ºC in November if condensate and baptize levels are lowest, and an boilerplate minimum of 21ºC - 23ºC as condensate and baptize levels acceleration to a best in June. Higher acreage in Amanã Reserve is hardly cooler.
Amanã Reserve |
The backwoods awning is affiliated to the all-encompassing and connected forests of the Amazon Central Plain. It encompasses a landscape, which is appropriate of the lower Negro River and was embodied as follows: close close forest, amid primarily on terra firme, thereby chargeless from barrage in the calamity season; accessible close forest, allegedly associated with the aspect of close forests and areas of ecological tension, such as advanced clay and acute transitions amid two audible geobotanical zones; and Campinarana, a frondescence circuitous belted to the Negro River watershed, application primarily altitude regions and drained by collapsed watercourses
Amazonian manatee |
The park protects an absorbing sample of fauna, with abounding species associated to black-water river systems. There is a top assortment of vertebrates with 120 species of mammals, 411 birds, 15 reptiles and 320 fishes. Numerous breed of attention affair reside aural the park, including jaguar, behemothic otter, Amazonian manatee, South American river turtle and black caiman. The accent of the site for Amazon fauna is reflected in the actuality that it contains about 60% of the species of fish appear to abide in the Negro River watershed, and aswell 60% of the birds recorded from the Central Amazon.
king fisher |
wild man |
It is a beautiful plase in the worald heritage site.
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