
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Lakes of Ounianga in Chad

                       Lakes of Ounianga in Chad

Lake of Ounianga suited in North-Eastern Chad, in a hot and hyperarid arid ambience with beneath than 2mm condensate per year, the Lakes of Ounianga comprises a absolute of 18 lakes, in two groups, announcement a array of sizes, depths, colorations and actinic compositions. The area covers of 62,808 ha and has a 4,869 ha absorber zone. The Lakes of Ounianga acreage is suited in a basin which,less than 10,000 years ago, was active by a abundant beyond basin and has a globally different hydrological system, comestible the better abiding freshwater lakes arrangement in the affection of a hyperarid environment.

The acreage represents an aberrant archetype of abiding lakes in a arid setting, a arresting accustomed abnormality which after-effects from an aquifer and associated circuitous hydrological arrangement which is still to be absolutely understood. The artful adorableness of the website after-effects from a mural circuitous which includes the assorted coloured lakes with their blue, blooming and /or brownish waters, in absorption of their actinic composition, amidst by palms, dunes and amazing sandstone landforms, all of it in the affection of a arid that stretches over bags of kilometres. In addition, about one third of the apparent of the Ounianga Serir Lakes is covered with amphibian reed carpets whose acute blooming colour contrasts with the dejected accessible waters. Bedrock exposures which boss the website action a amazing appearance on all the lakes, of which the colours adverse with the amber beach dunes afar by bald bedrock structures. The appearance and administration of the lakes, accumulated with the aftereffect of the wind affective the amphibian frondescence in the lakes, gives the consequence of “waves of baptize abounding in the desert”

 The property has an effective management plan in place for the short and long term, and there are adequate resources and staffing provided its implementation and monitoring.There also hydrological arrangement of the Lakes of Ounianga is activity and the baptize akin is abiding afar from a slight melancholia variation, acknowledgment to a groundwater accumulation which compensates dehydration losses.

 It is a outstanding Universal Value of the property. Several local associations created at the initiative of the local governmental authorities and the local communities are also responsible for the conservation of the property. These activities are implemented with the support of a Local Management Committee, which provides input for improving the existing management plan.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Bialowieża Forest in Belarus

                          Bialowieża Forest in Belarus

Bialowieza Forest is Situated on the watershed of the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. which has been reintroduced into the park.The backcountry spanning eastern Poland and western Belarus covers an breadth of 930 aboveboard kilometers and is apparently Europe's better and endure earliest forest. The Polish ancillary was registered in 1979, and the Belarus ancillary in 1992.Almost 90% of the park is covered with ‘old growth’ virgin stands of mixed broadleaved and conifer forests. Over 900 vascular plant species have been recorded, including 26 tree and 138 shrub species. Almost two-thirds are indigenous with the remainder being anthropogenic introductions.

 The park protects a part of the last and one of the better actual areas of European earliest lowland alloyed forest: pine, beech, oak, alder and spruce. The backwoods dates aback to 8000 BC and is the alone actual archetype of the aboriginal forests, which already covered abundant of Europe.

 There have  many species reintroduced into the park in 1929, elk, stag, roe deer, wild boar, lynx, wolf, fox, marten, badger, otter, ermine, beaver and numerous bats. It is also a showplace reserve for tarpan (Polish wild forest horse). The avifauna includes corncrake, white-tailed eagle, white stork, peregrine falcon and eagle owl.

 Białowieski Civic Esplanade is the oldest civic esplanade in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded as ‘Reserve’ forestry in 1921 but clearly accustomed as a Civic Esplanade in Białowieża in 1932. In 1947 it was adequate as the Białowieski Civic Park. At one time the acreage of Polish kings, the Białowieski Forests accept survived in an about changeless form. It is after agnosticism the a lot of admired accustomed breadth in the European lowlands.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest world heritage site listed in is a naturial beautiful place.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Pearling, testimony of an island economy in Bahrain

    Pearling, testimony of an island economy in Bahrain

 The Pearl Pathway located in Bahrain.Its will cover about 3.22km in South Muharraq and will affection a accustomed bank and barrio area individuals of the pearling association lived, formed and prospered over a period of 5,000 years including residences, mosques, souqs, amaras or warehouses and Majlis - the places for appropriate gatherings.The sactor of culture  site recognised as a World Heritage Site in FEBRUARY in 2011 but it is listed in 2012.

There have also  merchants who played such a arresting allotment during the pearling era will aswell be highlighted. There were two types - one was the area merchant who sold his appurtenances to traders openly and the additional was the tawawish, the sea merchants or the 'brokers' of chaplet who bought the gems openly from the dhow captains,

 The Bahrain Pearling, testimony of an island is also a tourism place .Every year there visit many people.There Tourism Authority is assisting in preparing the visitor plan and presenting the project as an attraction for tourists while involving the local population. And, the Economic Development Board is aiming to help integrate the project into Bahrain's national strategy and create new economical opportunities through it One of the central aims for the project is also to generate revenue for the local population of Muharraq.

Really this is a beautiful place.there also beauty is diving boat during the rany season.The pearl diving season was a very remarkable time.